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Team Lead - Critical Thinking, Design System, Industry Knowledge, AI, LLM




Client Based




May 2024

Creating a product that automates compliance workflows

Creating a product that automates compliance workflows ✅

Deep Dive Labs is dedicated to transforming complex business processes through innovative solutions. With a focus on cutting-edge technology, they aim to streamline and enhance operational efficiency for enterprises.

Compliance workflows are notoriously tedious and time-consuming, posing significant challenges for businesses in maintaining regulatory standards and ensuring accuracy in their operations.

We developed RegXperience, an AI-powered tool designed to automate and simplify compliance workflows. By integrating advanced AI capabilities, RegXperience enhances efficiency, accuracy, and ease of use, allowing compliance officers and auditors to focus on more strategic tasks.

Deep Dive Labs is dedicated to transforming complex business processes through innovative solutions. With a focus on cutting-edge technology, they aim to streamline and enhance operational efficiency for enterprises. This project was important to me because of my love for creating end to end products.

Compliance workflows are notoriously tedious and time-consuming, posing significant challenges for businesses in maintaining regulatory standards and ensuring accuracy in their operations.

We developed RegXperience, an AI-powered tool designed to automate and simplify compliance workflows. By integrating advanced AI capabilities, RegXperience enhances efficiency, accuracy, and ease of use, allowing compliance officers and auditors to focus on more strategic tasks.

Project Overview

Project Overview ☕

When I first saw the project brief, its vast scope almost had me chuckling. Here I was, previously from KPMG, about to dive back into streamlining workflows for compliance officers—the very thing that nudged me out of the industry! Life really does love a good irony. Let me share with you my experiences working this project.

When I first saw the project brief, its vast scope almost had me chuckling. Here I was, previously from KPMG, about to dive back into streamlining workflows for compliance officers—the very thing that nudged me out of the industry! Life really does love a good irony. Let me share with you my experiences working this project.

Understanding Compliance

Understanding Compliance 📖

Compliance can get quite technical. Before I begin sharing my experience in the creation of RegXperience, it is important to understand the building blocks of a compliance workflow.

  1. Planning: Establishing strategies and protocols to ensure adherence to regulations and standards.

  2. Documentation: Recording and organizing crucial information, such as policies, procedures, and regulatory requirements.

  3. Risk Assessment: Identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities within processes and systems to mitigate compliance failures.

  4. Training and Education: Providing ongoing education and training to personnel to enhance understanding and adherence to compliance standards.

  5. Monitoring and Surveillance: Continuously monitoring activities and transactions to detect and prevent violations of regulations.

  6. Auditing and Reporting: Conducting regular audits to assess compliance levels and generating reports for stakeholders and regulatory bodies.

  7. Incident Management: Developing protocols to handle compliance breaches or incidents promptly and effectively.

  8. Continuous Improvement: Iteratively refining processes and procedures based on feedback, changes in regulations, and emerging best practices.

In our talks, we felt for compliance officers buried in planning and paperwork, prone to mistakes. We decided to focus on the Planning and Documentation Phases. Imagine AI-powered software that simplifies by analysing client docs to match regulations, easing the daunting start of compliance workflows and outlining the scope of work for you.

Compliance can be technical, so let’s break down the basics. It involves planning, documentation, risk assessment, training, monitoring, auditing, incident management, and continuous improvement. In creating RegXperience, we focused on planning and documentation phases, easing compliance officers' workload. Our AI-powered software analyses client documents to match regulations, simplifying the start of compliance workflows and outlining the scope of work.

Reinventing Compliance Workflows

Reinventing Compliance Workflows 🛠️

Currently, compliance is bogged down by complex, time-consuming tasks prone to human error. We're seizing this opportunity by developing AI-driven software that simplifies and streamlines workflows, making compliance more efficient and less daunting for officers.

My team at General Assembly and Deep Dive Labs collaborated to reinvent compliance workflows with AI, creating innovative solutions that streamline processes, enhance usability, and ensure regulatory adherence, transforming the compliance landscape for greater efficiency and effectiveness.


Who is RegXperience for?

RegXperience is designed to streamline compliance workflows through innovative AI solutions. It caters not only to enterprises and businesses needing comprehensive regulatory management but also to individuals aiming to stay ahead in their compliance tasks. Whether you're a large organisation or a solo professional, RegXperience provides an updated library of regulations and frameworks to ensure you stay compliant efficiently. Its user-friendly interface and personalised features support both corporate environments and personal advancement in compliance proficiency.


The power of RegXperience

The power of RegXperience 💪🏼

There have already been some companies out there with solutions to streamline compliance workflows - Vanta, SWMS, etc. However, none of them use AI to generate the scope of work based on the evidence and documentation provided by the client using semantic similarity. That's right, we measure how much two pieces of text (such as words, sentences, or documents) are related in meaning, and generate relevant tests that would fulfill the requirements of the corresponding regulation with the applied framework. [Hover for more information]

There have already been some companies out there with solutions to streamline compliance workflows - Vanta, SWMS, etc. However, none of them use AI to generate the scope of work based on the evidence and documentation provided by the client using semantic similarity. That's right, we measure how much two pieces of text (such as words, sentences, or documents) are related in meaning, and generate relevant tests that would fulfill the requirements of the corresponding regulation with the applied framework. [Tap for more information]

AI-Enhanced Efficiency

AI-Enhanced Efficiency

User-Centric Design

User-Centric Design

Regulatory Adherence

Regulatory Adherence

Access to Regulations and Frameworks

Access to Regulations and Frameworks

AI-Enhanced Efficiency

User-Centric Design

Regulatory Adherence

Access to Regulations and Frameworks

Insights of our preliminary research

Insights of our preliminary research 🔍

Our user research revealed a need for customisable dashboards, streamlined collaboration tools, up-to-date regulation libraries, and a more intuitive onboarding process, emphasising the importance of flexibility, teamwork, current resources, and ease of use in compliance management solutions. So we synthesised our research in the form of user personas - to bring our data to life.


Meet my user persona - Thomas

Meet my user persona - Thomas 👨🏻‍💼

A diligent compliance officer in Singapore, Thomas is responsible for regulatory adherence. He values clear workflows, customisable dashboards, and access to up-to-date compliance libraries to manage complex regulatory tasks efficiently and ensure his organisation stays compliant with evolving regulations. The user flow below shows that his main concern is determining if controls are sufficient (Does my scope of work cover everything that I am supposed to be covering?).



Meet Thoma's co-worker - Camilla

Meet Thoma's co-worker - Camilla 👩🏽‍💼

A collaborative team leader, Camilla focuses on seamless communication and efficient task delegation. She seeks intuitive tools that simplify sharing, organising, and tracking compliance tasks, enhancing team productivity and ensuring that all members are aligned and informed throughout the compliance process. The user flow below shows that Camilla's values working in a team and collaboration (How can I efficiently share my documentation and work with my teammates so we are all on the same page?).


Features that meet the needs of our personas

RegXperience automates regulation matching, checklist management, and memo drafting, enhancing Thomas's workflow efficiency and accuracy. It provides comprehensive updates and customisable project management tools, enabling Thomas to stay compliant effortlessly while focusing on strategic tasks, saving time and reducing manual work, thus streamlining his compliance processes significantly.

RegXperience facilitates seamless collaboration for Camilla with easy sharing and exporting of compliance tests. It improves user experience through intuitive navigation, clear filters, and customisable frameworks. This enables her team to interact efficiently, adhere to regulations, and achieve compliance goals without unnecessary complexity or delays, enhancing overall productivity and effectiveness.

We balanced user and business needs

We balanced user and business needs 👥 + 💵

We balanced business and user needs by aligning strategic goals with user-centric design, ensuring both profitability and a seamless, satisfying user experience. This harmony drives successful, sustainable products.

The user always comes first. went a step further to help Deep Dive Labs thinking about monetisation of the business model. In the end, we decided that a user would first have access to all features and software capabilities. The only limitation for users is the number of projects they can access, which is based on their subscription plan. This way the business can monetise the software to generate revenue, giving rise to a more sustainable and scalable business plan. This way more product features and enhanced user experiences can be delivered in time to come.


A snippet of what RegX AI can do

A snippet of what RegX AI can do 🤖

RegX AI is a powerful tool designed to enhance compliance workflows by leveraging advanced capabilities like semantic similarity and cross-referencing metadata. It meticulously matches the client-provided documents with relevant regulations to produce compliance tests aligned with chosen frameworks.

Additionally, RegX AI assists in drafting memos that analyse these matches, streamlining the documentation process. However, the compliance officer retains full responsibility for accuracy and completeness. A dedicated button allows them to finalise the AI-generated memo, ensuring that all information is verified and accurate before submission.


Creating my first end to end product

Creating my first end to end product 🙌🏻

Building my first end-to-end MVP product from scratch was an exhilarating journey. The experience taught me invaluable lessons about balancing quality, cost, and time. Despite the tight deadlines, our team navigated through challenges, refining our approach to deliver a functional and user-friendly product.

The process highlighted the importance of prioritising features, managing resources efficiently, and maintaining clear communication. Each obstacle overcame contributed to my growth, emphasising that innovation thrives under pressure. I’d love to share more over coffee (or milo) —reach out and let's chat!

Building my first end-to-end MVP product from scratch was an exhilarating journey. The experience taught me invaluable lessons about balancing quality, cost, and time. Despite the tight deadlines, our team navigated through challenges, refining our approach to deliver a functional and user-friendly product.

The process highlighted the importance of prioritising features, managing resources efficiently, and maintaining clear communication. Each obstacle overcame contributed to my growth, emphasising that innovation thrives under pressure. I am still currently working on this project with Deep Dive Labs and the Development Team because we are trying to get an MVP out by the 26 June 2024 for the 2024 Singapore Regional Compliance Conference - SCCE.

I’d love to share more over coffee (or milo) —reach out and let's chat!


Take my prototype for a test drive.

Take my prototype for a test drive 🚘

Take it easy alright! Just click that button below to see how the software works :-)






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